Stock Adjustment

Stock adjustments can be added tab from a stock code record.

To create a new stock adjustment:

  1. Click the New Stock Adjustment option in the Tasks panel.

    Tasks New Stock Adjustment

    The Stock Adjustment Edit window is displayed.

    Stock Adjustment Edit

  2. Enter details of the stock.

The fields on the Stock Adjustment Edit window are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Stock Item

The stock item. This field is mandatory.

Refer to Add or Edit Stock Items for information on adding stock items.


The reason for the stock adjustment. This field is mandatory.

Note: These can be defined in Stock Adjustment Reason reference data (accessed by navigating to Stock Control > Stock Control).

New Quantity The adjusted amount of stock. The quantity cannot be greater than the amount specified in the stock item quantity.
  1. Click OK.

    The Stock Adjustment screen is displayed.

    Stock Adjustment tab

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